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Promotion und Funding - Part 2

Promotion und Funding - Part 2
Photo: © Marcelina Wellmer

The idea of sustainability is gaining in importance in the creative industries. But are the demands matched by corresponding funding programs? And what funding pots are out there?

Text Melanie  Seifart     /Kreativwirtschaftsberatung


For five years now, we have been advising independent cultural workers and creative entrepreneurs in Berlin on financing and support opportunities. Since we began consulting, we have noticed that there are two sides to the way cultural and creative professionals work. On the one hand, they are passionate about creative work, on the other hand, they use that creativity for finding entrepreneurial solutions and products for a more sustainable economy and society. This makes the cultural and creative industries an important component of the social economy in Berlin. However, sustainability goals and creative economy interests seem to be mutually exclusive a lot of the time. Many creative professionals advocate social and ecological concerns, thus moving away from the conventional growth paradigm of the economy. On the other hand, they have to pursue economic interests if they want to build their self-employed livelihoods. The central question is: How do orientation to the common good, ecological compatibility and economic viability fit together? And what about options for financing them?

What we have observed is that many economic development funding pots have so far focused on economic sustainability; the emphasis is on market placement and the corresponding growth of companies. This contrasts – ironically – with traditional non-profit cultural funding, which only supports those artists and projects that do not work commercially. Thus, current funding programs do not cover the hybrid work realities of cultural workers and creative entrepreneurs. The goal should be to find new ways of financing. And what about the corresponding funding programs? In addition to the many prizes for sustainability that have been in existence for years, there are now several funding opportunities with a sustainability focus in Berlin and at the federal level. We’ve made a summary of them for you here.

Support programs at a glance

Coaching BONUS: Since July 1, 2021, companies in the social economy in Berlin can take advantage of the support program for building inhouse competencies.

Design Transfer Bonus Berlin: The program of the state of Berlin also focuses on social economy and grants companies a subsidy for developing innovative design solutions for expanding and developing their businesses.

GründungsBONUS Berlin: The program of the Investitionsbank des Landes Berlin also focuses on social economy and provides a start-up grant to young companies to help with expenditures to give their growth a secure footing.

Micromezzanine Fund Germany: The target group this fund focuses on especially are commercial social and environmental enterprises, providing companies with sufficient equity through silent participation to enable them to access credit financing.

Sustainable business and impact investing: In the area of private investors, too, a lot has changed in recent years. In addition to a profitable and scalable business idea, investors are increasingly focusing on sustainability criteria.

FASE – Financing Agency for Social Enterprises: The agency advises on suitable financing solutions and on suitable investors and partners.

Phineo – Pioneer of Impact Investing in Germany: Through years of experience and the development of a large network, Phineo can support young companies in finding private and public financiers and building partnerships across sectors.

Purpose Ventures: This is a cooperative that helps companies remain independent and purpose-driven by providing knowledge, resources, advice and capital. It advocates for new forms of ownership and responsibility.


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