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Special news: KreativKulturBerlin expands its consulting and online programme at short notice

IMPORTANT: The Soforthilfe is paused until Monday, April 6, and will possibly be transferred to a federal program (as of March 30). Follow our news to get new information on how the process is unfolding.

Corona crisis? We help you to get money in the crisis - quickly, easily and unbureaucratically. With Emergency Aid II (Soforthilfe II), the state of Berlin and the federal government have launched an unprecedented aid package. We explain what you need to apply for.

We are also expanding our advisory and online services at short notice. Starting today, we will be available to you virtually and by telephone. Here is our offer for you shortly:

1. FAQ's: How to apply for Soforthilfe II.

2. Online consultation hour via zoom: On Thursday and Friday from 10:30 - 12:00 and 15:30 - 17:00. Here you can register for the individual dates. Only in German!

3. Telephone consultation on the funding programme and the application: The Kreativwirtschaftsberatung and the Kulturförderpunkt Berlin can be reached from tomorrow, 31 March, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on +49 (0)30 24749-773 and -777 and will answer your questions directly in person!

Unfortunately, the IBB's application form is not barrier-free. If you need support here, just send a short mail to:

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