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Nachgefragt with Marie Wolf

Nachgefragt with Marie Wolf
Photo: Marie Wolf

Nachgefragt is the new small interview format we developed. Here, actors report on their time after the consultation, their current status and their goals. With the interviews we get feedback and give insight. In part 2 of our series, we talk to Marie Wolf. 

Kreativ Kultur Berlin:Hello Marie, please introduce yourself briefly.

Marie Wolf:I'm Marie Wolf, 26 years old, I work as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer. Before becoming self-employed, I realized projects as a freelance illustrator and worked at a lifestyle magazine.

Kreativ Kultur Berlin:How did you start?

Marie Wolf: I first decided to study communication design at HTW Berlin. That's when it became clear to me that I wanted to illustrate "professionally". At that time, I already had a pretty clear goal: I wanted to design, conceive and illustrate a book that would one day be on display at Dussmann, for example. That also worked out! I realized such a book as my final project at the HTW. After graduating, I worked as an editorial designer for a lifestyle magazine in Berlin for 14 months. That was important for me to gain experience and become more confident in my work. Then I became self-employed. That's quite a bureaucratic challenge. It took me over six weeks to get all the documents together for the start-up grant. And I kept having questions about taxes, general terms and conditions, and contracts.

Kreativ Kultur Berlin:You were in our consultation in June 2017, at what point were you at that time?

Marie Wolf:I had a great need for advice. Because the information I had from the employment agency was partly very vague or even wrong. That's why I decided to book an appointment with you. And the consultation definitely helped me. Afterwards I was able to plan all further steps. I had learned about this offer from you, Peter, because we had studied together. I can only recommend the consultation to everyone! With my experience and the answers to all the questions, I now feel ready to work as a freelancer.

Kreativ Kultur Berlin:And could we help you?

Marie Wolf: The consultation did more than I expected, I was able to take away many useful tips on financing and received contacts. That was very helpful. And I was amazed at how many funding opportunities there are that you don't know about. For example, I didn't get the tip for free start-up coaching at my former university until your consultation.

Leipziger Book Fair, Photo: Martin Mascheski

Business card at the pool by Marie Wolf

Kreativ Kultur Berlin:What's on your business card today?

Marie Wolf:My business card soberly states my contact details as well as my vocation: illustration and graphic design. I see myself as a translator who brings social, cultural, political and philosophical issues into a visual language that can be understood regardless of origin, education level and age. I combine illustration, graphic design and conception to come up with individual solutions.

I see myself as a translator who brings social, cultural, political and philosophical issues into a visual language that can be understood regardless of background, education level and age

Kreativ Kultur Berlin:On a scale of 1 to "Woohoo": How successful would you describe your project/business/product?

Marie Wolf:Right now, everything feels right. There's always enough to do, so much that I haven't yet found time for cold calling. I consider that a success. I hope it stays that way for a while! I'm especially proud that I've managed to publish a new book every year since I graduated.

Kreativ Kultur Berlin:Where else do you want to go?

Marie Wolf:My goal is to create a good mix of recurring collaborations and new commissions. In the distant future, I would love to go back to the university as an adjunct professor and share my experience with students.

More information of Marie and her business: thisisnoteden.com

The interview was conducted by Peter Kessel | Kreativwirtschaftsberatung Berlin

Category: Articles from our network


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