Daniela Lucato

Daniela Lucato

Actress / Screenwriter/Filmmaker/Editor


Smoke is a reflection during COVID about our concept of space.
How do we feel it when we are forced to use space in a different way?
How are our feelings changing, the way we also perceive time in the same space?
I titled this work Smoke because it is the image that comes to my mind when I think about this moment:
symbolically it represents the unclear way we look now at the world, it is a temporary vision but it changes the way we perceive everything.
Which kind of projections do we have about us in relation to our environment: are our longings changing? Or are we the same people with a different consciousness?
Who are we in this new constellation?

Festivals/ Awards:

Elastic Mind Exhibition at South Campus Art Gallery​ 2023 Broward College - 2023

36.Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media 2023

Puntomov "Imagine Futures"/Exhibition "All futures must be in our presents"2022

Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Faculty of Arts UAEMex Laboratory of Digital Mediations for Design, FAD. UABC 2022

Cultural Center “House of Diligences” UAEMEx 2022 University: XXI Century Educational Group 2022

Tolzú Center 2022

Agora Digita Art - The dream Exhibition, London 2022 Exhibition “Raizes Vinculada”, Estacao Canelas Gallery, Portugal (2022)

Semifinalist at BIONICA AV Videoart SPMAV – FIVA SPMAV 2022 Brazil

Videoaktion, Raum für drastische Maßnahmen 2022

Berlin International Forum of Performance Art, Greece 2022

Post RE:SET@New Future 2022

Montgomery College, Morris & Gwedolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center 2022

Lumbung Lounge installation, Stellwerk Galerie, in Kulturbahnhof, Kassel (2022)

Finalist at Video Art Awards Centro Luigi di Sarro (2022)


The ArtOut exhibit- Gulfport Public Library, Florida (2022)

BLACKOUT 2022 as part of the exhibition Filmriss in the Old Cinema Frankfurt Oder

The BeBop Channel Web Series and Under Two Festival 2022 New York

Interface Video Art Festival 2021

Mykolaiv ART Week: CHANGE 2021

Sundance Collab Monthly Challenge 2021

Venice Architecture Film Festival 2021

Pasolini Prize- Archishorts, Winnipeg’s 10th annual Architecture + Design Film Festival 2021

The Digital culture platform of the Project Lazaretta/Eye's Walk Digital Festival 2021 Short Video Screening "My Pandemic Year” Worm Rotterdam 2021

Homeostasis Lab 2021 The Working Artist 2021

La Obra Paris 2021



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